Take control of your GAME & FISH licensing
Since our application is a web based application, there is no expensive hardware or software purchase. All you need is an active internet browser for the NAGFA™ Licensing application.
You will be able to
- Generate, track, and manage all of your tribal licenses and permits
- Maintain total control over your licensing revenue.
- Improve your compliance program.
- Enhance your wildlife management efforts.
- Make more intelligent decision through comprehensive reporting features.
The Native American Fish and Wildlife Licensing Application (NAGFA™) is a comprehensive web based system that will allow you to manage and track all of your tribal licenses and permits. This intuitive licensing application will immediately allow you to gain control of all aspects of your Fish & Wildlife Licensing Program.
You will be able to gain control of your license revenue. Your vendors, based on your established fee schedule, cannot miscalculate licensing fees. The NAGFA™ system automatically generates the amount to be charged to the sportsman. You can be completely assured that you will receive the proper amount due to your Fish & Wildlife Program. Check your accounts payable from your resellers directly online. The NAGFA™ system will automatically generate an invoice, at your discretion, for your vendors, providing you an accurate accounting of your receivables at all times.
From an administrative perspective, you’ll immediately eliminate costs associated with licenses and tags. With the NAGFA™ system, all of your tags are generated and managed automatically. No more time spent ordering, delivering, and trying to account for tags distributed to vendors or trying to read illegible tags. At any given time you will be able to check which of your vendors are selling tags, and who is generating these tags, based on secure log in information.
Provide your Game Wardens with the most up to date information and technology to handle all of your compliance concerns. With the NAGFA™ system, you will eliminate hunters being able to illegally purchase more than one tag through multiple vendors. Our system will enable your compliance officers to search the license database for licensing information in real time to verify hunter information or outstanding violations. In most cases, no matter what your computer skill level, training generally takes less than 15 minutes.
With the NAGFA™ system you will enhance your professional image and make more educated decisions in the interest of your Fish and Wildlife program. At the time of license issuance, depending on the species purchased, the hunter report card or harvest information form can be generated at the time of sale. This will eliminate the hassle of sending out your harvest reports to be recapped later. With the NAGFA™ system, hunters can enter the harvest information online, or they can be entered manually by your staff. In all cases, you can immediately determine the status of all harvest information. Your biologist will receive timely and accurate harvest information, thus enhancing their overall effectiveness in addressing game and fish and wildlife issues.
The NAGFA™ system is a must for Fish and Wildlife Programs. Full implementation of the system reduces costs associated with manual tags, provides administrative controls, solidifies your compliance program, and provides timely harvest information to your staff. Our system is fully customizable. We will work directly with your staff to insure it is designed to fit your unique program requirements.
The license application screen is the heart of the NAGFA system. Within this area:
- Control the licenses that you want to issue as it relates to seasonality.
- Have your costs generate automatically according to predetermined rates and applicant status.
- Vendors simply click on the available license that the applicant desires. The system is virtually fool proof.
Eligibility Verification
- Search the database and verify that the applicant doesn’t already have a license.
- The applicant does not have any convictions in tribal court.
- The hunter has not submitted their harvest reports for previous years.
The NAGFA system provides the data compliance that officers require in the field.
- This report will contain all permits purchased by the sportsman, regardless of date or location of purchase.
- Game Wardens can download current data from any internet connection in seconds. This will allow them unprecedented access to up-to-the minute licensing information.
- Compliance numbers can search the database for names, license numbers, or any other information that is captured during license generation.
With the NAGFA™ system, report cards are generated automatically. This eliminates the hassle of sending them out at a later date. They can either be entered online or manually by your staff. In either case your biologist will received timely and accurate information when addressing wildlife issues.
The reporting capabilities of the NAGFA system will enhance your ability to make sound management decisions:
- Enter game violations to track repeat offenders.
- With the NAGFA system you will be able to generated unlimited reports that will assist you and your staff in making sound management decisions.
- Generate licenses and enter report cards on line or enter manually.
Expand capabilities with
Conduct lottery drawings for selected licenses. Supports weighted lotteries, automatic alternate selection, group applications and award notification.
Allow users to purchase licenses online, view existing license and submit harvest report.
Allow vendors to issue and sell licenses with this module. You control which licenses vendors are allowed to sell. Detailed reporting provides sales and license information by vendor.
Accept credit card payments with this module. Transactions are automatically processed at the point of sale.
Auction Module enable online auctions to be conducted efficiently and securely. The module provides features and functionality for managing the auction process
The module provides features and functionality for designing, administering, and analyzing survey results.